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Karst Word Matching Exercise

Student Name: _________________________

Match the vocabulary words at the left with the definitions on the right.
A. erosion

B. dolomite

C. chert

D. sandstone

E. groundwater

F. karst

G. conduit

H. contaminate

I. sinkhole

J. ridge

K. watershed

L. limestone

M. sediment

N. cavern

O. pollute

P. sewage

Q. permeable

R. topography

S. cave

T. geology

1.______ a depression or cavity formed in the earth when underlying material collapses.

2.______ a long, narrow, raised area, such as the crest of a hill.

3.______ the water beneath the earth's surface that supplies springs and wells.

4.______ a large cave.

5.______ about a substance, for example rock, such that liquid or gas can move through it.

6.______ a natural hollow in the earth, especially one with an opening in a hillside or cliff.

7.______ a channel, ditch, or pipe used to convey water or other liquid.

8.______ the shape and height or depth of the surface features of a place, area, or region.

9.______ to make water, air or land dirty or unhealthy by adding waste material.

10.______ water and waste material carried away in sewers.

11.______ solid material that settles to the bottom of a liquid.

12.______ how the earth's surface is worn away by glaciers, wind, and waves.

13.______ calcium magnesium carbonate, the most common rock in the Bryant watershed.

14.______ an area where limestone is common and there are many sinkholes and caves.

15.______ a hard compact variety of quartz, found in limestone.

16.______ rock that is formed of grains of quartz held together with a cementlike substance.

17.______ the study of the physical structure, composition and development of Earth.

18.______ the area of land that drains into a river, river system, or lake.

19.______ to make impure or unusable by contact or by adding a harmful substance.

20.______ a sedimentary rock of calcium carbonate composed primarily of the mineral calcite.